Silvia Galambosi
Coach, Consultant and Organizational Development Pilot‘Life has more imagination than we carry in our dreams.’
Christopher Columbus
My Mission: As an organizational development consultant, I support enterprises during their organizational voyage, and as a coach I assist my clients in reaching a higher quality of life that is more successful and joyful.
The story of my journey
I graduated at the University of Pecs, Hungary as an economist specializing in management and consulting. I spent the first 15 years of my carrier at multinational companies.
As my first professional adventure I sailed on international waters for 5 years – I was employed by P&O Princess Cruises as an Assistant Purser being in charge of guest relations and also gained experience in HR tasks in the crew office. During my time at sea I became certain that I would like to develop my carrier in people management and coaching – supporting and developing others have become my goal.
From 2006 I took on new challenges at the HR Center of IBM ISSC Hungary Ltd, where I gained thorough experience in organizational development and people management. As first line and later up-line manager I led different organizational changes, I had roles in developing new training strategies and gained deep insight in talent management, carrier management, performance management and developing new leaders.
I further extended my studies and graduated at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary in Transactional Analysis (Psychology).
Based on all these studies and experiences I established my business as an organizational development consultant and coach in 2015. In a business environment I successfully support my clients in mentoring and coaching new leaders and helping them in developing leadership skills and strategic thinking. In a more personal context I support my individual clients with personal and group coaching.
Besides my profession I dedicate a lot of attention and love to my family, my daughter and son. My passion is the underwater world – I scuba dive in the deep blue whenever possible to switch off and relax.
My values
Being present
I dedicate my full attention to my client, building trust during our journey. I am present with sensitivity and support the power that builds in my client as we sail.
Peaceful and calm, thoughtful and curious… Always curious…
We all need courage to set sail… Taking responsibility for ourselves gives us freedom. ‘The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore.’
Dale Carnegie
Harmony, connection, joy, humor, creativity, ease… And a smile. (:
Life-long-learning and curiosity seasoned with own experience both in my professional and private life… All the storms and calm seas formed my attitude and personality.
Areas of support, or when you need…
~ emergency assistance…
~ a helicopter view – looking at the big picture.
~ to feel secure, trusted, and supported.
~ authentic and thoughtful advice.
~ to experience your own power.
~ inspiration, motivation, support in fulfillment.
~ a good example and hope
~ a little push for independency and self-realization.
~ to find balance in all the roles in your life